Atefeh Jamilpour Portfolio


An itinerary tool that aims to simplify living in a new country for new residents, such as students or expats

My Role : Design Researcher/ Product Designer


Duration : March 2023 – April 2023

Tools Used: Figma / Photoshop/Illustrator


Over the past few years, there has been a significant rise in the rate of immigration worldwide. As globalization continues to expand, more and more individuals are showing interest in living and studying in countries other than their own. However, moving to a new country can be a daunting task, as it requires adjusting to a new culture and navigating unfamiliar processes. This is where the need for an application that provides general information, guidance, and insights from other immigrants’ experiences becomes crucial.


The problem statement 

“How might we design an application that helps newcomers feel more informed, connected, and supported in their new environment, while also promoting cultural understanding and integration?”

Final application designs & solutions

For a period of 2 months, I dedicated my efforts to developing an experience for newcomers. This involved creating a mobile application and a design system to support it. The main objective of this project was to enhance the experience of international students, making it easier and more enjoyable.

In creating the WelComm application, I utilized the design thinking methodology, which enabled me to maintain a solution-oriented and action-driven approach throughout each stage of the design process.

Develop the structure of WelComm

User research — findings & insights

I performed 5 semi-structured interviews to establish a fundamental understanding of the needs of the newcomers. Below are the results of my research.

User Persona

Low fidelity flows

Usability testing​

I performed a small usability test involving five participants to assess the clarity, completeness, and comprehension of the various features I developed.

The demographic breakdown of the five participants is as follows:

The feedback received from usability testing provided me with valuable insights, and I have made certain changes to address the issues raised by users concerning the application.

Users found the initial color palette unappealing. All testers reported that it was not user-friendly and reading text was difficult for them.

In order to tackle this issue, I have replaced the previous color palette with a new one and have made an effort to use more suitable colors.

Requesting personal information was perplexing for some testers, as they were unsure why they needed to provide their personal details on the account creation page.


In order to tackle this issue, I have excluded these two sections and added them to the “edit profile” section.

Some users have expressed confusion regarding each section on the profile page, particularly with regards to comprehending my experience and my favorite article.

To address this issue, I have divided the profile page into two distinct sections, making it clear for users to determine which section they should navigate to in order to obtain or share information.

Visual System

Personal Learning

By learning how to identify controversial ideas that align with my interests, I develop a deeper sense of empathy towards users. Creating open-ended interview questions also helps me to better prepare and connect with users, enabling me to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their needs.

Additionally, being an international student has made me aware of the challenges faced by newcomers to a foreign country, which allows me to identify and incorporate useful features that cater to their needs.

Next step

The challenges faced by new users are numerous, and it would be a beneficial idea to conduct tests on the application with a larger user base in order to identify and improve upon areas that require attention. Additionally, implementing a voice feature would enhance accessibility for all users.